Announcing the Mary Vandewiele Leadership Award

We are pleased to announce a new Summer Scholar award: the Mary Vandewiele Leadership Award. The award will be given for the first time in 2013 to a Summer Scholar who demonstrates exceptional leadership in her community and high school. Award recipients will be Summer Scholars who are seeking to develop their leadership skills through their summer program participation.

This award has been established by Mary Vandewiele, an active supporter of the Joyce Ivy Foundation. Each year Mary meets with local high school students in Michigan to encourage them to participate in the Summer Scholars program. Mary's enthusiasm is contagious and her commitment to community is immediately apparent.

Students who apply to the Summer Scholars program will automatically be considered for the Mary Vandewiele Leadership Award, as well as the Frank Minolli Engineering and Science Award, supported by the Frank Minolli Foundation.

The 2013 Summer Scholars application is available online and due March 15.
