Graduation Rates

More mining of The Chronicle of Higher Education's Almanac of Higher Education 2013, this time looking at graduation rates.

The institutions with the best 6-year graduation rates (by institution type), include:

4-year Private Colleges

1. Harvard – 97.4%
2. Yale – 96.6%
3. Stanford – 96.1%
4. Notre Dame – 95.9%
5. Penn – 95.8%
6. Princeton – 95.5%
7. Williams – 95.3%
8. Brown – 95.2%
9. Dartmouth – 95.0%
10. Duke – 94.4%

The University of Michigan ranked #6 in the 4-year public colleges category.

President Obama's recently proposed plan to address college access and affordability includes a new rankings system and incentives for colleges based, in part, on graduation rates. The U.S. Department of Education College Affordability and Transparency Center has additional data on college costs and graduation rates.
