Hello, my name is Kayla Dobies! I am from the suburbs outside of Detroit. I am currently a Junior attending Dakota high school. I am in Mu Alpha Theta (math honor society; we compete in mathematical competitions across the state), National honor society (top kids in the school are selected and given great honor), Track and Field, and finally Cross Country. I currently hold 4 Track and Field and Cross Country records (high jump, 4x8, 4x4, Cross Country all time), and I am a 2 year Track and field All-State Athlete (4x8 and high jump).
Over the summer between my Sophomore and Junior year I attended Brown university (thanks to the graciousness of the Joyce Ivy program and Brown University), taking "An Introduction to Neuropsychopharamacology" I discovered my passion for Neuroscience, which I hope to turn into a career in the field of surgery.
Christina Li, also another Fellow, is one of my closest friends. We spent 4 years of middle school together and unfortunately attend different high schools. Yet we remain the closest of friends, and not knowing it we both applied to the Joyce Ivy program and were accepted!
In the future I hope to attend college while running at a competitive level. My dreams are very high, however I wish to perform lab research for a cure for cancer and qualify for the summer Olympics in high jump and the 800m (half mile). Thanks for reading!
Wow, great writing. Have you considered swimming?