New Partnership with Minds Matter Twin Cities

The Joyce Ivy Foundation recently launched a new partnership with Minds Matter Twin Cities through which we will jointly name a group of Summer Scholars in 2015. Joyce Ivy will also continue its partnership with Minds Matter Cleveland for the 2015 Summer Scholars cohort. In 2014, the Joyce Ivy Foundation and Minds Matter Cleveland jointly named four Summer Scholars, who attended programs at Harvard University, Brown University, and Stanford University.

From the recent press release:
     “I am pleased to be expanding our partnership with Minds Matter,” said S. Caroline Kerr, Chief Executive Officer of the Joyce Ivy Foundation. “We added Minnesota as a Joyce Ivy state in 2012 at the same time the Twin Cities chapter of Minds Matter was founded. The impact Minds Matter Twin Cities is having in Minnesota is impressive. A partnership between our two organizations will greatly benefit Minnesota students and extend the reach of the relatively recent presence of our organizations in the state.”
      The Twin Cities chapter of the national Minds Matter organization was founded in 2012 and is part of the national Minds Matter organization. The Twin Cities chapter currently has over 80 volunteers serving 25 students. The program has its first high school graduating class this year and expects to follow the national Minds Matter rate of 100% acceptance to a four-year college or university.
      “We are thrilled to partner with Joyce Ivy,” said Kelly Miller, Executive Director of Minds Matter Twin Cities. “This partnership will enhance our efforts to broaden our students' horizons and ensure they are prepared for college success.”
