
by Christina Xu
It’s often difficult to be introspective and put yourself on paper in words. Fortunately, there’s a way around this obstacle through recommendations. They will assist you most notably as you apply for a variety of programs, such as colleges and jobs. A good way to look at these letters and forms is not with fear, but as a tool that can help you as you try to present yourself in the best and most accurate way possible.
The key to obtaining a good and representative recommendation comes from a solid, two-way relationship. At first, it may be difficult to connect with an adult or superior, feeling as if the relationship can only exist in class or strictly. However, it’s important to remember that these teachers and mentors are humans too, and a close relationship can easily be developed. Start by discussing the class and/or any questions you may have–they are there to help you succeed! If you feel comfortable, crack a few jokes or talk about life outside of the classroom: see if you have any common interests. Eventually, you will feel more like a friend than a student, and they will begin to understand you as a person better as well.
If you do develop an understanding relationship, don’t be afraid to ask for a recommendation! I know for myself, I was intimidated at the beginning of the process to ask teachers – I thought this was a burden to them. However, remember as teachers, they’ve probably written hundreds of letters at this point. Just be polite and give them ample time to write it (never a good idea to tell them the day before the due date)!

Overall, view recommendations with a positive light as not only will you be able to foster a strong relationship, but get a new perspective about yourself for your application. Good luck!
