Recap of the Week

Interesting Article of the Week

Getting women more involved in the tech industry has been a very hot topic lately. (That and increasing diversity.) Technology is a field that is full of men, but it's about time to let the women join. A recent study has found that code written by women is approved more than code written by men - so what's stopping the integration? Sexism, for starters, the less women-friendly environment, and the need for women to start believing in themselves.

We had a College Featured at JCAS...

University of Pennsylvania

A Scholarship Sunday...

Google Sponsored Scholarships

A Fellow Friday...

Krishaun Burns

And a Post from a Fellow!

Have you ever considered joining a sorority? A lot of people consider doing it - some just because, others because it's a family legacy, and others because of the sisterhood and/or opportunities. There is an abundance of reasons to join a sorority; Abby McCoy shares with us, in her post "Why I Joined A Sorority," her reasons. 
